The name Jesus is a precious name to believers. It’s the name that brings them comfort and joy. It’s the name they love to hear exalted in preaching, it’s the name through which they pray.
It is a name given by divine appointment. It was not left to the family to pick a name. The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and assured him with the message “that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost” and informed him that the child’s name should be Jesus. Matthew 1:21
It is a name with meaning and it is the right name. Some have been given a name with meaning but have failed to live up to the name, but Jesus proved the name is rightly his — he is the Savior.
“He shall save his people.” His people were under the curse and condemnation of sin but he came to rescue them. His people were deserving of wrath and judgment, but he came to deliver them. His people owed a great debt they could not pay, but he came to pay it.
When he said at Calvary, “It is finished” the work of redemption was indeed complete. Nothing needed to be added to it; nothing could ever be found lacking. He paid the price and got what he paid for. The Redeemer actually redeemed.