“The crowd was amazed and asked, “Could it be that Jesus is the Son of David, the Messiah?” But when the Pharisees heard about the miracle, they said, “No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons.” Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, “Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding will fall apart. And if Satan is casting out Satan, he is divided and fighting against himself. His own kingdom will not survive.”
Matthew 12 : 23 - 26 NLT
Sound familiar? Jesus spoke in Parables most of his ministry! A house can also be a Nation! Is our Nation divided? Is it USA against USA? Today’s prayer is that we would all pray for this Nation, that we would all pray that the United States would Unite! That we would all pray that the United States would be moral again! And that we would all pray God Almighty would heal this Nation…..Be Blessed
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new 2 Corinthians 5:17

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