“AS YOU GET OUT OF BED in the morning, be aware of GOD’S Presence with you. You may not be thinking clearly yet, but GOD is. Your early morning thoughts tend to be anxious ones until you get connected with GOD. Invite GOD into your thoughts by whispering HIS Name. Suddenly your day brightens and feels more user-friendly. You cannot dread a day that is vibrant with GOD’S Presence. You gain confidence through knowing that GOD is with you— that you face nothing alone. Anxiety stems from asking the wrong question: “If such and such happens, can I handle it?” The true question is not whether you can cope with whatever happens, but whether you and GOD together can handle anything that occurs. It is this you-and-GOD-together factor that gives you confidence to face the day cheerfully.” para-phrased – “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. PSALM 5 : 30
God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. PSALM 63 : 1 (NKJV)
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. PHILIPPIANS 4 : 13
Personal Note: For the last few years part of my personal workday morning routine has been combining morning prayer & Bible Study with the morning coffee before the rest of my family wakes up and the day begins. This gets my mind and soul right for the day and makes it impossible to begin a day with stress – Give the LORD the 1st of your day and the rest of the day becomes easier.
Prayer: Lord you are my God, early each day I will seek you. My soul thirsts for you. My flesh longs for you in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. Nothing on this earth can fill the void in me, it is only you that can fill me Jesus. Help me turn to you more this week. In Jesus’ name. Amen.