Daily Devotional Video 7/1/2020 – PSALM 48 : 9, DEUTERONOMY 33 : 12, PSALM 37 : 4


“GOD IS LIFE AND LIGHT IN ABUNDANCE. As you spend time “soaking” in GOD’S Presence, you are energized and lightened. Through communing with GOD, you transfer your heavy burdens to HIS strong shoulders. By gazing at GOD, you gain HIS perspective on your life. This time alone with GOD is essential for unscrambling your thoughts and smoothing out the day before you. Be willing to fight for this precious time with The LORD. Opposition comes in many forms: your own desire to linger in bed; the evil one’s determination to distract you from GOD; the pressure of family, friends, and your own inner critic to spend your time more productively. As you grow in your desire to please GOD above all else, you gain strength to resist these opponents. Delight yourself in GOD, for GOD is the deepest Desire of your heart.” para-phrased – “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young

Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. PSALM 48 : 9

About Benjamin he said: “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.” DEUTERONOMY 33 : 12

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. PSALM 37 : 4

Prayer: Lord help me to push back the demands of the day and make time to spend with you each morning. This time alone with you is essential for many things. Fill me with your light and life and make clear to me the path up ahead. And sometimes, oftentimes, help me to just rest, rest in between your shoulders. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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